![[Image: Autumn-Equinox-Festival-for-SanctuarySha...height=475]](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/735517027124379720/744661955171713458/Autumn-Equinox-Festival-for-SanctuaryShard.jpg?width=509&height=475)
Carnival Games - (Chance or Dice Rolls)
Bobbing for Apple bags
-Each bag contains a locked chest of consumable goods as a prize
Apple Pie eating contest
-Some pies poisoned, insinuating getting sick after eating too much, winner left not poisoned/puking
Break 12 Bottles
(small medium large prizes depending on one dice roll)
-under 5=small
-under 9 =medium
-dice roll 10-12 = large prize
Champion Events
Bagball Game
-Will need a bagball field on map from ced or laid out temporarily
Horse Race (tamed horses offered or personal mounts)
-will need markers for where race around fair grounds, how many laps.
Team hunts. (each team has a different plump/fatted/adult prey so they can bring back bodies. xml spawner needed for that)
-can be spawned around the fairgrounds areas
Jousting (if possible)
Tug of War (if possible)
Role-play Heavy Events
Spiritual Ritual Honoring Mabon/Autumn Equinox
Sharing Adventure Stories
Talent Show (Original Content)
Map Areas Availble at Fairgrounds
picnick area eating festivities
fighting arena
empty tents 2x large
empty building large
archery buttes
jousting arena
This is an OOC Discussion to plan the next shard festival. It will be a span of events over a weekend until the equinox. Here is what the party planning group has come up with so far, now is your chance to chime in. If you can offer your ideas that revolve around resources already in game and at player fingertips.. we are looking for more events that are desired.
Also if you are a support staff member and can take one of these slots of times or another on the days listed, please respond to this thread with preferred starting time. All times are eastern standard shard time.