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Application - Sei-Ju
Discord ID: Listru#5570
Previous Characters: Tiernan,Necalli ( others from grimm)
Character Name: Sei-Ju
Character Race/Subrace: Muiri - A Raiju/Kirin
Alternate Graphic: human: and  191( kirin) ( hue something lightningy)
Character Description:

Human Form:  Standing a few inches over six feet and weighing near two-hundred pounds, with a lean and hard build that comes with constant motion. Long (wafting) white hair adorns his head, framing his youthful face. His elliptical eyes are bright blue with naturally dark or near black lines along his lids/water line. Small nub-like horns protrude an inch from his forehead, the fine outline of scales can be seen just along his scalp line.  The teeth from the canines back are that of a predator, long and sharp curving slightly backwards.  His movements are fluent and poised but seem more suited towards something with more than two legs.

Beast form: A magnificent pony sized creature looking to be made of rippling lithe muscle and living lighting. His body is covered with fine almost delicate looking scales and patches of white fur at the tip of his tail running the length of his back and surrounding his dragon-esque face like a mane.  He has two small antlers on his forehead and rows of elongated sharp teeth. His front digits end in three large claws, while his back end in hooves.

Special Roleplay Ability: due to his nature- Blessed by the storm: Preternatural reflexes/speed. And a number of cosmetic effects, his hair always looks as though it is wafting with some unseen air ( never musses if actual weather isar ound), smells perpetually of ozone and produces small amounts of electric discharge ( think super zappy static stuff)

Shard Plot Line Strengths and weakness: 
Strengths: Lifetimes of experience behind him ( relevance varies), competent warrior, fiercely loyal
Weaknesses: Can be Brash, flippant and aloof, unhealthy fascination with belly-buttons, hard time following orders, questions motivations incessantly. 

Original world: Country in the sky ( a version of heaven), and a version of earth.

Quick intro: ( random stories or sorted “adventures” will be told IC to further expand)

Most of his early life had been spent in the Country of the sky with others like himself in the “care” of the storm gods. They being absent from this portion of the realm for great sums of time, brought with it great bouts of boredom. Not as though he wanted for anything, but a peaceful monotonous existence chaffed him something fierce. So when the opportunity came in the form of a gate left open a little too long by one of the storms, he took it.

He spent what felt like a great deal of time on the other side of this gate. The gate that brought him to this “earth” where he learned many things. Some of the first things he learned was how to shift into a form that- mostly- resembles those that dwelt there. He found love in their food, especially their drink, the chaotic and short way their lives and personality moved through his. The notion of adventure was truly a revelation , he did not have to sit and wait for things to happen he could seek them out.

So it was, he would delve into their lives and flit out at his fancy or theirs. 
It was no surprise when another gate appeared in the middle of his current favorite storm, that he took it without hesitation.
Hide your belly-buttons folks....

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