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Application for Rajiv al-Djazair
Discord Id - Aravan
Previous Characters - Aravan, Mugwort, Revan, Tirian, Lucien, Tsura, Naoko
Character Name - Rajiv al-Djazair
Character Race & Sub-Race-  Andusian Summon (Possessed by a Djinn)
Alternate Graphic air elemental
Character Description -5'11 average weight, angular irregular features, richly clad in fine clothes, silks, jewels, plumes, incensed and perfrumed. Well oiled, groomed, and a rather charming and alluring stre. Grey overcast eyes that glower when they catch the light.  or the sun.  Dry hair rather wild and windswept 
Shard Plot Line (Strengths & Weaknesses)-  I feel he will fit into the shard plot line by supporting the reign and expansion of his Kingdom of andus, and also I feel Rajiv will represent this shift of religious culture withint he last 60 years of more of a polytheistic worship. Excited to see how that shifts with the  ongoing role play. Possible conflict with more traditional acrab worship. Uttu and Enlil probably being represented most by his worship and characterization.
Andusian Hedonist Priest/magi  strengths from his djinn/astrology/siddhi wise in matters of vatta movement, space, ether, air yet that leads toward being spaced out, detached, dry, wandering, a head without a body.. weaknesses from his vices and pursuit of pleasure from fine silks, fashion, wines, perfumes, rich dyes, foods, beers, hookah, hashish, extravagant sacrifices, offerings clearly trying to ground himself with venusian things, worldly.. constantly at battle with possession which is also his geatest strength
Special Role-play Ability- works with djinn/possessed by djinn which provides siddhi gift of levitation/flight of consciousness
Previous World A desert world bit more indian than the present andus. Imagine him in an indian epic. Except he is just a poor sadhu on the sidelines of some poor village. Lost within his meditation or perhaps perished within the quest for self.
Backstory  Recently arrived to this world. Just becoming acquainted with his "meditations" which birthed this entire existence. Focusing on self exploration and discovery. rajiv's backstory is a poor sadhu. Searching for enlightenment as a mystic. Focusing on austere living to unite with the divine. Some knowledge and practice of tantra,  meditation, fasting, the vedic sciences such as jyotish/astrolog. Biggest difference between back story and his new emergence as a hero would be  the rejection of the austere living and instead  through his possession has reclaimed a sense of self, ego, and therefore lost within the maya or ilusions of the finery of this world.  Similarly as siddhartha rejected the sadhu life when it did not bring the esoteric fulfillment that he longed for.
Please be advised, that as per the Rules the World Map is rated ESRB's "Adults Only". Only players with approved applications can go to this map.
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Uhm. I'm not following the answer to the shard plotline question. I think that needs a bit of work. That doesn't tell me anything about how he will fit into/help drive the story.

The backstory also needs a bit more expansion, and perhaps be framed as a story? Among other things, we need a feel for *why* a character is here, ICly speaking, between these two questions.
(09-27-2019, 03:13 AM)NirAntae Wrote: Uhm.  I'm not following the answer to the shard plotline question.  I think that needs a bit of work.  That doesn't tell me anything about how he will fit into/help drive the story.

The backstory also needs a bit more expansion, and perhaps be framed as a story?  Among other things, we need a feel for *why* a character is here, ICly speaking, between these two questions.

Edited per your suggestions thanks Nir. I hope this better outlines what I was trying to illustrate as to how he fits in per the current culture and storyline.
Much better, thank you Smile

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