![[Image: Fhyn.jpg]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/613505328394534912/617020330279436316/Fhyn.jpg)
Previous Characters - None
Character Name - Fhyn
Character Race & Sub-Race - Human
Alternate Graphic - None
Character Description - 6'5", blond hair messy long to his chin, short trimmed beard, and actively maintains good posture. Typically Fhyn wears a sleeveless vest and loose pants as he believes very strongly that magic users should conduct strength training and practice martial arts, specifically joint manipulation, to strengthen their bodies. He believes that a strong body would allow more powerful spells and endurance during battle. It also helps to defend oneself. His posture is rigid, disciplined and his walk is fluid and light as if he is always ready for something bad to happen.
Shard Plot Line - Fhyn very simply seeks power to defend those he cares about. He has no wife or children, but once did long ago. On a deeper level, he feels he has lost something besides those dear to him, and seeks to understand that, learn from it, and become better. At this point, he has been a member of the Order of the Silver Key for four years. He arrived on this world after living in another for several thousand years. He is here to learn.
Special Role-play Ability - Fhyn is gifted with magic, and from the world he came from there was very little he could not achieve both with healing and destructive power. However, Fhyn’s abilities with magic have been intentionally tempered when he traveled to Sanctuary. One gift that Fhyn has always possessed, however, is the ability to see how magic is constructed, the building blocks. At the very least, it may help him understand what has transpired in an area even after events have unfolded.
Previous World - Fhyn is coming from a world of Dragon Riders, Magic, Political intrigue, and much, much more. The world has no name, but contains hundreds of millions of people and a multitude of continents and empires.
Backstory -
“The human body is built to last forever.”
Fhyn 320 Before the Rise of the Der’ci’nos Magocracy
It was certainly a dream, but Fhyn knew that, still it was more than that, a memory. He refused to forget it, even after a thousand years… give or take a decade.Fhyn removed the oily plant from the moss mound, deftly pulling from the root so he did not lose too much of the root. Rocking the plant back and forth gently he extracted the Colrin plant and placed it in the hanging satchel to his side. From another pouch Fhyn placed a small seed in the hole left behind and covered it with soil. The plant will be fully grown again in three months and would ready once again to harvest. Colrin farming was very lucrative, the college mages paid handsomely for every Colrin that was cleaned and had fully extended roots. Fhyn had spent many years learning how to grow, harvest, and clean them appropriately. The longer the roots the more potent the ingredient, and while Fhyn did not understand the magical applications he knew it was used by the healers division of the college and it brought good coin for him.
The coin was a tremendous boon, he was able to send his five year old son, Wesley, to a variety of schools specializing in reading, writing and agriculture. Very expensive, it was worth every penny and Fhyn needed to keep Wes busy. Wesley's mother had passed giving birth and they only had each other. With the coin, Fhyn was able to stay close to Wesley, protect him, keep him away from other children with bad habits, and also, enjoy a more comfortable life.
The dream blurred and flashed forward Fhyn cradled Wes in his arms tears streamed down his dirty face and he hugged his limp son to his body.
The dream blurred again, Fhyn pounded on the mage’s guild for the third day. “You will let me in! You WILL teach me!” He collapsed exhausted. “I must learn. I must.”
He woke. Looking out the window in Sanctuary he could not shake the feeling that he has lost something and not just his family.