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Party Issue (Approved)
Today, while in a party, I was told when I tried to message that I was not in a party.  we tried several times re-partying.
Another party issue - I seem to be 'stuck' in the in-a-party setting. I am not IN a party, but my party functions are as if I was (no option to create a party, etc.), but when I say 'leave the party' it says I'm not in one.
Myrrdin I need more information. There is one condition I can see in the code where Myrrdin might have had a party join failure but no failure message, but I need to know if you got a "You have joined the party" message after accepting.

Nir helped me figure out her issue: if you log out while in a party and are NOT the party leader, you will get stuck as if you are in a party but aren't. This seems to be solved if someone re-adds you to a party, so this is not Myrrdin's issue.
Given to Nir to test and report on
Unable to recreate the original issue without more information; archiving for now and splitting off the second issue.
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