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Utility Skills
With the assumption that Hiding and Stealth will be combined, and with the assumption we are now down to 7 craft skillls, I feel like a discussion of the "utility skills" should be started.  The goal will be to redesign, combine, and perhaps make them usable in the craft spec spots.  (new idea see below)

They are:
Detect Hidden, Tracking, Forensic Eval, lock picking, remove trap, snooping and Leadership.

We know that we want to make Leadership a skill that will allow for the commanding of forces on cuivienen against RPCSS mobs.  It won't work for normal hunting, so it is by definition not a combat skill -- especially if RPCSS mobs do not drop "normal loot", but if they instead drop RPCSS specific loot of some kind. 

We have thought about turning tracking into leadership and expanding it.  But I also sort of like the idea of having an RPCSS scout ability -- a UO skill that a player could use in game to learn more things about RPCSS.

Following that idea, might be the idea of having some type of coin master/builder ability that would let players "upgrade" defenses on estates, or sap defenses at other estates.

Those three ideas could be combined with one of the skills listed above OR be their own skill, we have plenty of slots for that.

What skills might go well together:
Detect hidden + Snooping?
Detect hidden + tracking + snooping?
Lock picking + remove trap?
Lock Picking + remove trape + forensic eval?

What if the .spec window was:
4 primary combat
4 secondary combat
3 primary craft or utility (non-combat)
4 teirciary combat, craft or utility (any)
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