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Shad'ahan (Al Shadiya)
History and Current Status for Shad'ahan Estate, including the city of Al Shadiya, capital of Andus
Estate Holder
Sylise of Emorea: Herald of Andus

Status of the Estate
When Sylise came upon Shad'ahan, her intention was to seek out the Sultan to discuss the plight of the world and to gain his support in a newly forming alliance. Upon arrival, she discovered that he had gone missing and that the attendants held to their duty to maintain the estate. Remaining hopeful that he'd return, she waited a few weeks more. When he still had not resurfaced, she chose the path before her and took the mantle. Her current rule is bringing changes to the kingdom and time will tell how well it is received.

As for the estate, little has changed since the last owner - rooms and decorations are still the same. The attendants that had seen to the integrity of the estate have remained to serve. The famine and darkness that has gripped much of the world has not spared Shad'ahan, and any over abundances that had been preserved within has been shared with the populace.

Sylise is a naga hailing from the world of Emorea: a place expansive and varied in inhabitants, cultures, ideals, and religions. They were spread wide across the lands and islands of her homeworld, each region's naga inhabitants most often reflecting their environment. Sylise hails from the temple-city of Z'rathiss, in the heart of a tropical rainforest of the southeastern most continent. There she was known as a Dervish, or holy warrior - one that evokes the power of the gods through prayer in the midst of physical conflict.

Her arrival in this world was brought by divine intervention. Facing genocide at the hands of the corrupted Khetid, Sylise was surviving in the labyrinthine catacombs beneath Z'rathiss evading and battling Khetid eager to take over the lands and assume ultimate power. Weak from hunger and wounds, she knew her next encounter would be her absolute last. Her last prayer was a true cry for her goddess' help and shortly thereafter, Lyssitia showed her the door that led her here.

Those that remain and work in the estate remark that music regularly fills the halls with Sylise's singing and playing of the harp.
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