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Character Application - Eadric - Printable Version

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Character Application - Eadric - Eadric - 10-27-2019

Discord Id - D.B.#8693
Previous Characters - None
Character Name - Eadric
Character Race & Sub-Race- Demi-Human
Alternate Graphic - N/A
Character Description - Late 20s, 6'1", broad build, blue eyes, and fair hair. Nothing unusual for a human being.
Shard Plot Line (Strengths & Weaknesses)- In his previous life Eadric was the feudal administrator of a hamlet, with experience in combat and responsibility managing men and materiel. Unfortunately, almost all that he had was given to him by his father, so it's not entirely clear if he actually merits those responsibilities.
Special Role-play Ability- TBD?
Previous World- Earth, 6th Century AD
Backstory - Excerpt from Historia Anglorum:

[ ... course of the pillaging of the south coast that a Benedictine monk named Cadoc was taken into the hands of the heathens, who rarely practiced any sort of honest labor if it could be helped. The captive was bound up in cords of leather and his captors deliberated on a gruesome fate, with all but one agreeing that he should be slain in the name of their false goddess. Among the barbarians only one counseled against this end: Eadric, a son of Wulfric, himself the Reeve of the village Almeham.

Eadric cautioned his infidel kin that they should instead sell the monk as a thrall, both because they were far from their unholy sacred groves and that it was an unworthy sacrifice to offer up a man sworn in service to a religion so impoverished as to have only a single god. When accused of unseemly familiarity towards the Britons and their religion Eadric declared that his knowledge of the Church was borne of a youth spent as a hostage in the Bishopric of Bonn, not the least bit sympathetic, and his own pagan faith ought to be tested in a duel to the death. The matter was settled without spilled blood, though this outcome seemed less a product of Eadric's prowess than the reputation of his father, who served as an Eaoldorman to King Tytila.

The monk Cadoc finished his days in bondage, spreading the word of the Church among the heathens of the northfolk, his harsh servitude contributing to the eventual conversion of the Angles. The heathen Eadric was reported to have vanished into air from aboard his longship, suffering divine punishment for delivering a holy man into servility. ]

RE: Character Application - Eadric - Cinders - 10-27-2019

Thumbs up! Be sure to update your special role-play ability here on your app if/when you decide on one!

RE: Character Application - Eadric - NirAntae - 10-29-2019

Thumbs up!

RE: Character Application - Eadric - Myr - 10-29-2019

Thumbs Up!

RE: Character Application - Eadric - Lara - 11-02-2019
