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Azarphriel - Printable Version

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Azarphriel - Mogrand - 08-13-2019

Discord Id -
A Concealed Figure

Previous Characters
No Previous Characters

Character Name -

Character Race & Sub-Race-
Race: Summons
Sub-Race: Pathfinder Archon (

Alternate Graphic-
(or any mob that might be in similar aspect should that one not work for staff)

Character Description -
An orb of typically dull white light having a circumference of around 2ft, though it's shape is formless with its pulsations and whirling energy it never truly expands or retracts past those dimensions.

Shard Plot Line -
Sent by their Goddess Iomedae to serve the Kingdom of Emlyn, Azarphriel will do everything in its power to further the goals of the people of Emlyn.

Special Role-play Ability-
Aura of Ease- PC/NPCs that are within close proximity to Azarphriel that it considers worthy will feel their stress melt away, becoming at ease with the perils of their minds. Gaining the ability to relax after a hard day or calm a creeping fright in dire situations.

Previous World-
Golarion (world)
Proelera (Heavenly Plane)

Backstory -

For hundreds of years, Azarphriel had been a servant of the devout followers of Iomedae on the world of Golarion. Tending their wounds in and after battle against various evils, bolstering their spirits and even easing their minds of the hardships of daily life in times of peace.
Azarphriel's whole existence was based around this fact, serving those loyal to its Goddess.
That is till the fateful day in which Azarphriel rested on Proelera the home plane of its Goddess awaiting its next mission.
The warm but commanding tones of Iomedae echoed through the very essence of Azarphriel, giving him orders the likes it had never heard before.
It was commanded to venture forth to a strange new world, a world in which it was to protect the people Iomedae had deemed held her tenants at heart, The Kingdom of Emlyn. That was not the only task bestowed upon Azarphriel as Iomedae also wished it to spread her name across the kingdom, letting them know that their values were true and cause just in her eyes.
With the orders given Azarphriel manifested in the strange new world eager to start upon the greatest work it would likely ever undertake.

RE: Azarphriel - Wormwood - 08-13-2019

Nice app, looking forward to seeing some summoned/construct RP.

*thumbs up!*

RE: Azarphriel - Laiken - 08-13-2019

A healing wisp is awesome! Thumbs up

RE: Azarphriel - Katya - 08-13-2019

Thumbs up!

RE: Azarphriel - Davros - 08-13-2019

i like it. thumbs up

RE: Azarphriel - Daisy - 08-15-2019

Hello. I went ahead and read a bit about Archon's via the link you provided and I wanted to make certain it was understood that Summons/Constructs cannot be made by Gods/Deities. If you are going about the characters history that it was made via petitioners... which if I'm understanding correctly, according to that link, means a mortal person soul being placed in that of a summon/construct, then that is okay.

I just want to confirm that before we can get you approved. Smile

RE: Azarphriel - Mogrand - 08-16-2019

Exactly that. Though even the "created by gods" aspect of the Archons still come from mortal souls and placed into a summon/construct.

I wasn't really going to get into how it was created(In RP), as that isn't something it really knows or cares about. It just knows that it was granted the opportunity to continue serving its goddess in a higher capacity.(Why I didn't really expand on that in the background cause it doesn't really know how it was created itself)

But yes a group of petitioners conjuring it into existence is fine.
Also saw something about hosting our sub-races, so I might do a write up to be hosted here that would negate that Created by Gods aspect for Sanctuary to remove any possible misunderstandings later.

RE: Azarphriel - Daisy - 08-16-2019

Quote:Also saw something about hosting our sub-races, so I might do a write up to be hosted here that would negate that Created by Gods aspect for Sanctuary to remove any possible misunderstandings later.

That would be very cool!

With the stipulation that the character is not a construct/summon made by a God, approved! I hope you have fun with it and I can't wait to see your write up if you decide to do one. Smile