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Soumia Steiner - Soumia - 07-31-2019

Discord Id -  Soumia#7315

Character Name - Kaaia'Soumia Aleann'Urdrenn Steiner  (Soumia Steiner)

Character Race & Sub-Race- Muiri / subrace- Dragon

Alternate Graphic- standard UO drake

Character Description -  Soumia's origin is that of sand, sun, and oceans from the desert kingdom of Ireem. She is warm and friendly, motherly and loyal, and has a
strong affinity for animals. With sun-kissed olive skin, she stands at around 5 feet and 10 inches tall, with an hourglass figure, shimmering emerald eyes, and aqua hair that trails down to her hips.
She Plays several instruments including the Hang, speaks and sings with a sultry, Arabian accent, and practices heavily as a hedgewitch. She is usually seen wearing aqua
colored dancing silks and dresses, adorned with gold and jewels that she so loves to collect. Atop her head sets a crown of horns that so delicately accents her features,
and highlighting her entire body are intricate henna tattoos. She walks with a graceful stride and a sway to her hips, and despite her calm nature, does not
stray away from a bow or magic when needed.

Shard Plot Line -  Soumia is a Dragon of the desert. The Kingdom of Andus is now her home, as it so closely reminds her of the one she left behind. She will see it grow and prosper and rabidly defend those who live  within it. 

Character Kingdom - The Kingdom of Andus

Special Role-play Ability- Soumia radiates a calming aura that radiates naturally from her. She usually uses it on her husband, but if other players allow OOC, she can attempt
to calm others as well, but it drains her energy quickly.

Previous World- Originially Ireem, before building The Aerie

Backstory - Soumia was born into slavery to none other than her own mother, Radha. During the day she was tasked with cleaning and running her mothers bakery shop, as well as
tending to the matriarchs every need. At night, she spent her time in the taverns, dancing and playing music for customers, keeping the money given for her own as she bought
all the pretty dresses and treasures she could find in the markets while her mother slept. Under this oppression, Soumia never knew that she had dragon ancestry lurking deep
within her, a power that her -Mother- leeched off of for many years. It would not be until Davros arrived at the tavern door one fated night, that she would begin a journey
of her own self discovery, and a break away from Radha's power.
    Soumia grew into a powerful, yet loving dragon. Her friends and family knew nothing but her kindness, and those who harmed them knew nothing but her fury. She dedicated
her life after Ireem to helping those in need, as well as keeping her husband, her king, Davros from doing anything too stupid and brash. But together, they formed a mighty
wing of dragons, children, and friends and built The Aerie from it.
    Though one day she slept, hearing only her husbands breath beside her, until she heard it no more. His energy gone, and when she awoke, she was gone as well. The Aerie had vanished. Her home, had vanished. Her children, her friends, her animals... gone. She quickly sets to work in this new land to find what she had lost, help those in need... and maybe
find some pretty treasures along the way.

RE: Soumia Steiner - NirAntae - 07-31-2019

The 'alternate graphic' IS the UO drake. Smile It means, what do you want to shapechange into, if anything.

That said, thumbs up from me.

RE: Soumia Steiner - Katya - 07-31-2019

Pending Nir's advice, thumbs up here!

RE: Soumia Steiner - Soumia - 07-31-2019

Fixed Big Grin

RE: Soumia Steiner - Daisy - 07-31-2019


RE: Soumia Steiner - Soumia - 08-19-2019

shard plot line addition added!