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Yyrsa Eirsbane - Dulwitch - 08-28-2020

Discord Id - Dulwitch

 Previous Characters- Alfrun Siguren Tarnsdortier, Asleaf, Lunadarkhand

 Character Name -  Yysa Eirsbane

 Character Race & Sub-Race-  Aelfeyn, sub-race Ljósálfar.

 Alternate Graphic: non needed.

 Character Description - She stands at 7 feet in height a image of grace and beauty. Her eyes are a soft lavender and her skin a pale milk against her snow white hair. Her ears are gently pointed showing that she is not entirely human. 

 Shard Plot Line (Strengths & Weaknesses)- 

Strengths: As a Ljosalfar she is loyal to a fault to any one once she has bonded with them.

Weaknesses: easily manipulated and can be seen as quite gullible and easily lead to believe most things. 


Special Role-play Ability-  The ability to play the harp well. This is due to her upbringing.

Previous World; Cuiveinen, Miðrvegr.

Backstory - 

The summer heat came thick as well did the snows of winter And Yyrsa was sick of playing to her heard. She had played her harp to the horses of the forest for many springs and had given many a fine steed to the knights of Miovegr in the past decade or so. She wanted to explore the deep caverns of underill and the hot spring that rested in Summerilse. But these where not easy feats for her. Her family unit was tighly knit together and none had left the security of the walls of Miorvegr for over thousand years. 
Least they suffer the same fate many others had from he Thorn king him self. 

Still rumours would be heard throughout he land of cuivinen that peace had fallen and Queen Brea was now sat upon the throne her reach that of the royality of old. As well as following the Tripple goddess so close to her namesake Yyrsa would dream of a time that she could tread the land as part of a band or simply to learn something new as where the dreams of her fellow scholars. She knew how to bread a good stead and had broken many over the years perhaps she could use that as a bargaining chip to escape the oncoming war that was always looming. 

Like all lands her woods rang with the echo's of lumberjacks and the rings of metal upon metal and all she wanted to do was wright edda's of thouse she would follow. Her fingers lulling at the strings of her harp once more she hummed gently to her self her heard of horses grazing in the lush wild grass as she day dreamt of finer things.

RE: Yyrsa Eirsbane - JulianIsenhart - 08-29-2020

Hey Dulwitch.

It causes me concern that her name is Yyrsa or Yysa (its written in both ways in your app) and that is remarkably similar to one of the main deities here. I would like to hear others before deciding to thumb it.

RE: Yyrsa Eirsbane - Dulwitch - 08-29-2020

it is ment to be Yyrsa not the diety I can't see any Yrsa in there.

RE: Yyrsa Eirsbane - Lara - 08-29-2020

I am going to deny this application. I am looking for a clear understanding of our lore as written as well as players who have demonstrated a strong knowledge of nordic culture for our natives. The first players of new native cultures must demonstrate they are strong in both as they will set the standard for the sub-racial development. This application is too generic and not only doesn't meet those expectations there are exceptions that don't fit the lore we do have.

In addition, tho, minor.
The name is far too similar to our goddess, and the RP ability isn't actually an RP ability, rather it is a mechanical skill available via the game mechs.

I would prefer that you either focus on your current Midrvegr character and learning more of the culture or instead convert this character to a traveler.