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Maeve Ennis/Caitria Vestrelio - Printable Version

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Maeve Ennis/Caitria Vestrelio - Caitria - 08-14-2020

Discord Id -Caitria

Previous Characters Tsuki Akori, Caitria Vestrelio

Character Name -Maeve Ennis/Caitria Vestrelio

Character Race & Sub-Race- Demi Human

Alternate Graphic None

Character Description - She stands roughly 5' 8" with long wavy raven black hair and emerald green eyes. Her skin is the golden brown of the gypsy people she comes from

Shard Plot Line (Strengths & Weaknesses)- Cait has a strong knowledge of both Caerleon and tending the hearth. Some of her magical abilities and herbal knowledge has carried over with her but she is still re-learning much which is both a strength and a weakness. Her biggest weakness can be her fiery temper, which she is learning to control a bit better.

Special Role-play Ability- Her special ability is her uncanny control over/connection with her hearth fire. The flames will not burn her and bend to her command. It will sometimes show her things she wishes to or needs to see and can help her travel among other lit hearth fires.

Previous World - The Kingdom/Grimmwold

Backstory - The mists hung low over the moors, lit only by the silvery light of the full moon. Thundering hooves echoed through the air as the thunderous black horse and his rider galloped freely in the night breeze. Cait leaned lower over the horse's neck, her own wavy dark hair blending with the long mane of her mount.

"Faster" she whispered, and her steed picked up the pace. "Just a few more moments", she thought, "and then I will turn back". She never had the chance. As the horse reached the edge of the mists, for the first time he skidded to a stop. "Oh hell" she thought as she flew over his head into the grayness.

When she came to, the sun was high in the sky and she wondered how hard she'd hit her head when she landed. Knowing how she'd been treated as a gypsy in the distant past, when asked her name the first thing that had popped into her head was her mother's. "Maeve, Maeve Ennis"....

RE: Maeve Ennis/Caitria Vestrelio - Raindancer - 08-14-2020

Thumbs up! Smile

RE: Maeve Ennis/Caitria Vestrelio - JulianIsenhart - 08-16-2020

Thumbs up (now im allowed to thumb)

RE: Maeve Ennis/Caitria Vestrelio - Daisy - 08-19-2020
