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Application For Zahraa Sarongoth - Printable Version

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Application For Zahraa Sarongoth - Zahraasarongoth - 07-09-2020

Discord ID: Zahraa Sarongoth#7229

Previous Characters: none

Character Name: Zahraa Sarongoth

Character Race & Sub-Race: Aelfeyn ( Svartalmane) Or Drow

Alternate Graphic: Crow

Character Description: When you first look into his crimson red eyes you see someone who is reading your every move calculating. his  dark greyish black face stays emotionless his skinny athletic body ridgid but loose ready to move. Zahraa stands taller than most humans at about 6'4" his slivery white hair really long hangs loose. Once Zahraa see's this person is not a threat he loosens up some and a smile that shows no malice comes out, when this side is shown you can still see the calculating in his eyes but you also see genuine caringness for ppl and life. he tends to love to work in a shroud and a crow mask when ever he can for not many humans like his kind where he is from. when his day is done he likes to shift into his bird form and head out on a flight to calm his head of the days drama..

Shard Plot Line (Strengths & Weaknesses):
Strengths: Extremely Loyal to his brother and friends, very observant
Weaknesses: observant, he views everyone as a danger to him and his brother,
                           tends to joke at the wrong times

Special Role-play Ability:  Zahraa can turn into a Crow 

Previous World: Selaria

    "Blades Clash and ring out through the hallways and people scream out in death throes" "just alittle farther now Ittzy the throne room is through that door" i sign to my brother as we slip into the throne room of King Arbris X the ruler of Krom i signal to Ittzy to take the right side of the room. As we make our way closer we see Arbris in his goldenplate armor pacing back and forth arguing with himself. "i should just end it now i know i can do it"  his voice changes and becomes deeper and more demonic "Wait for it Arbris your time is almost here" . I know i should wait but time is of the essence i sign to Ittzy that i will make the first move. I shift flying at him in a all out charge as i reach him i start attacking his face and he starts swiping at me Ittzy in his lion form attacks at his back. shift back, drawn my blades hoping to catch him off guard and either poison or kill him. as i go to stab my blade home under his armor he catches my hand as i look up i see a beast of horror he smiles at me and says a word of power i feel my body going cold as i black out i see my brother shifting back screaming in horror "ZAHRAAA!!!!"....   
....... Darkness.........
 'i feel warm is this the after life" i think to myself as i lay there i can hear a stream flowing next to me and someone walk up to me "Wake up Zahraa were alive and this isnt anywhere ive ever seen" i open my eyes its beauty and its purity "This place  seems like..... home Ittzy" i whisper and lay back in the grass laughing and crying with delight

RE: Application For Zahraa Sarongoth - Darkmane - 07-09-2020

An interesting character, and I enjoyed the backstory Smile 

A 'thumbs up' from me.

RE: Application For Zahraa Sarongoth - Dulwitch - 07-10-2020


RE: Application For Zahraa Sarongoth - NirAntae - 07-10-2020

Approved. Can't wait to get to know him (them)!

As a side note, Svartalmane and Drow are pretty similar physically speaking, and most will 'assume' he is a Svartalmane, but the cultures are very different; as is, being a traveller and not native, he would just be Drow. Smile