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Strange impassable issues - Printable Version

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Strange impassable issues - Lara - 06-18-2020

Okay, so impassable issues have historically come from two different situations:

  1. Recently released map and statics not being updated properly on the server
  2. Bad graphics in the map and static that are not apparent to the builders.
We now have two situations that I can't figure out:
  1. There is a whole area near carigsay (found by parchaa and I forgot to write down the cords) which can be passed by staff but NOT by players, and its a WHOLE area, like many screens large. 1388,1556
  2. Two spot in the garden of raedoria, at 2324,1740 and 2356,1743 that no one can walk on.  I actually went and did an area delete of this space in CED, there is nothing there. Neither destroyradius or destroyzone "fixed" the problem.   Nor do i see anything under the map up to -30.  Interestingly the fence graphic can't be teleported to or .prop'd.

Update of weirdness
There is actually a whole lot of new art you can't TP to (I tested some of it that same raedoria farm ... maybe this is a known issue?)

Once I found the upper corner (for the carigsay grasslands) I had mith do a search in the code and he found the coors in a faction stronghold file.  It had quite a number of such regions defined, and he's looking at turning it off.

RE: Strange impassable issues - Darkmane - 06-18-2020

There is also a spot at 4492, 1540. North West of Fjarora. Where Staff can pass, but not Players.

It stretches from 4491, 1519 (NE most corner) to 4445, 1573 (SW most corner)

RE: Strange impassable issues - Lara - 06-18-2020

At least #1 should be fixed for next update

RE: Strange impassable issues - Daisy - 06-18-2020

Hello. Please check to make sure that the changes made to CED were updated server side... For example in Tiversome I have many of these issues, such as not being able to click/tele about the location.

Also I think in Raedoria, in the garden, Cele requested the graphic items eliminated so she could actually plant in the garden... While this seems to have been done, it may of not been updated.

I think it may be as you mentioned.

Recently released map and statics not being updated properly on the server

RE: Strange impassable issues - Lara - 06-25-2020

fixed for next update, archiving