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Map Bug: Bridge is too High on One Side - Printable Version

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Map Bug: Bridge is too High on One Side - Cele - 05-26-2020

You can leave Jukatown over the bridge but it is too high to walk over back into the town. 

798 991 -30

[Image: 99294746_343369929965212_157450769472159...e=5EF55498]

RE: Map Bug: Bridge is too High on One Side - Lara - 06-07-2020

this should be fixed for next update

RE: Map Bug: Bridge is too High on One Side - Lara - 06-15-2020

this is walkable now, but because its a different floor tile the z is wrong, leave and fix.

RE: Map Bug: Bridge is too High on One Side - Lara - 11-11-2020

fixed, archive