News and Announcements
All updates to scripts and rules will be found here. Players are expected to read and know the changes.
Discussions: 6
Comments: 90
Update Thread
12-24-2020, 02:39 PM
by Mithril
General Board
General discussions, polls and chatter.
Discussions: 34
Comments: 207
Postal System
02-10-2024, 01:35 PM
by harrisonred

Submit your application here. Once it is approved it will be moved to the Application archive boards.
Discussions: 4
Comments: 12
Race Application
10-01-2022, 07:55 PM
by Sollara
Archived Applications
Discussions: 286
Comments: 1,564
Application: Armathragos
09-25-2022, 09:46 AM
by Morde

Bug Board
Please make an effort to browse the bug board and make sure you are not submitting duplicate bugs. Please read the wiki to make sure its actually known functionality or rather an upgrade vs a bug. Your assistance in this is appreciated by our overworked unpaid staff.
Discussions: 62
Comments: 133
Useful Incendiary
12-31-2021, 08:11 PM
by Felsimyr
Game Wishlist Discussions: 47
Comments: 113
Suggestion: Craftable Gif...
12-03-2021, 05:10 AM
by Raindancer
Map Board
This board is for posting map errors, and for the CED team working on map upgrades. Daisy and Nir are in charge of this board and the respective teams.
Spawner & Dungeon Work
Discussions: 30
Comments: 98
Pit of no return in the m...
02-24-2021, 08:04 PM
by Maggie
This board is for posting bugs in RPCSS as well as feature requests. Bugs and wishlist items will be moved to the appropriate forums.
Wish List, and 1 more.
Discussions: 43
Comments: 118
Update Thread
12-24-2020, 02:43 PM
by Mithril
Archived Design Threads
This use to be the Archive Bug board, but we are using it for all completed bug reports, game wish list requests, map board projects and RPCSS changes.
Discussions: 487
Comments: 1,774
Underhill Dungeon Stairs ...
11-12-2020, 12:22 PM
by Lara

Lore Boards
These boards expand upon the lore and fiction of the wiki and are typically player submissions that have been accepted as canon
Native Sub-Races
This is for expanded descriptions of the native sub-races detailed on the wiki. The lore posted here must be reviewed by one of the lore-masters and be in accordance with shard history and religion. Any lore that is a clear cut and paste from other fiction will not be accepted.
Discussions: 1
Comments: 1
07-07-2020, 09:51 PM
by Lara
Region & Kingdom Status
This board contains one thread for each region and one thread for each kingdom. Estate Owners are able to post the current status of the estate, this board will serve as a running history of the regions.
Discussions: 31
Comments: 57
06-09-2021, 07:42 AM
by Morde

Journals and Diaries
Discussions: 40
Comments: 88
Krampusnacht Event
11-09-2021, 11:36 AM
by Morde
Collaborative Stories
Discussions: 23
Comments: 49
Ostard Racing Sign-ups
08-06-2021, 12:29 PM
by Raindancer
Character Bios and Histories
Discussions: 4
Comments: 10
The Cursed Knight
11-27-2021, 11:31 PM
by TheNickelKnight

Forum Statistics
Total Posts:4805
Total Threads:1267
Total Members:238
Newest Member:Michaelsmeme
29 users active in the past 15 minutes (0 members, 0 of whom are invisible, and 29 guests).

Forum software by © MyBB Original Theme Crafted By Nasyr Edited By Halikar For Sanctuary Shard